Buying or Selling Military Real Estate Buying Real Estate Tips Number One Buying Tip is to hire a professional Real Estate agent. Some of the most important attributes you should be looking for in a Realtor are; personal service, individual representation,... Ontario Military Relocation Realtor’s Welcome to Canadian Forces Base Borden (also CFB Borden, French: Base des Forces canadiennes Borden or BFC Borden), one of Canada’s biggest training bases. The mission of CFB Borden is to support all of its customers... Military Relocation Buying & Selling Tips by Brian Baker Selling Tips Pricing your home right can make all the difference to the amount you end up receiving when selling your home. Sometimes you may end up being a seller in a buyers’... Military relocations are our prime area of expertise as all our agents are registered service providers with Brookfield GRS. We have the top HomeLife Realtor in Borden ON, Bill Forsyth. Visit Bill and Jenna Forsyth at for more information. We...